Outreach Eats


Feeding Youth in Northern Idaho



Outreach Eats is a non-profit youth outreach, that sets up every Thursday outside the Rathdrum Skatepark and serve snacks as they get out of school.

We see upwards of 150 kids every Thursday, and it keeps growing. However, our main mission and goal is to build community with the youth of North Idaho, to listen to how their week has been going, and hopefully when they head home, they leave with the understanding that they not only matter, but that we as a community truly care about the youth.

We make sure that as they choose their sandwiches and goodies that Garry and I are not the only ones that care about them, and that the food they are eating and the water they are drinking are actually donations from so many more people and businesses in the area that also want them to understand how much they matter to us all.

You would be surprised at how incredulous they seem by this, and how thankful they are to be reminded that they are seen and heard.


Take Action

We are run soley on donations and out of pocket, and if you would like to donate we would greatly appreciate the help, we do have a GiveButter site you could use. Just to go directly to the ticket purchasing site and click the yellow “Donate & Tickets “ button and click Just Donate.

If you would also like to donate items or donate monetarily, please contact us at garryoutreacheats@gmail.com

or call us at:


Or reach out at Outreach Eats on Facebook

We also have an Amazon Wishlist under Outreach Eats,

Your generous support and prayers for Outreach Eats in 2023-2024 has left us in awe. We want to say THANK YOU to each one of you.

Because of your donations, Outreach Eats was able to live out our mission statement of being able to consistently be present for today’s youth. We have learned over the years that it is so important that they be seen, heard and know in their hearts that they truly do matter and sometimes understanding that can start by simply giving out a sandwich, snack and offering a listening ear.

Your gifts allowed so many youths and adults in the area to be able to tell us about their day, to have someone to talk to when things aren't going so well, and able to offer food to some who have nothing.  Your giving has allowed us to supply warm hats, gloves and coats to those that were going without, and so much more!

We are hopeful to kick off a new skate park in either Athol or Spirit Lake in the spring of 2024 and with your donation, we will be able to make that happen for the youth in those areas also. 

You may also send your gift by mail at:

PO Box 1009, Hayden Idaho 83835


drop it by the Outreach Eats Thursdays between 1:00-3:00


give your gift online by visiting Outreach Eats on Facebook

 Your support of ministry at Outreach Eats is greatly appreciated.  May God bless you and your families in 2024. We can't wait to see what God does.  

 Garry Mickelson


Outreach Eats

PO Box 1009

Hayden Idaho, 83835


Amazon Wishlist click here.